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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my friends and family! 

This year is much, much different. Which is sad because my favorite thing next to shopping is eating (therefore Thanksgiving is by default my favorite holiday). Instead of the usual 6 or so family & friend gatherings I’m lucky enough to have each year, this year isn’t having it. 

The beginning of 2020 feels like it was about 5 years ago, with about 5 years worth of events too, but at the same time it also feels like it was just last week. I would like to think that I’ve been a pretty thankful person my whole life, but this year has especially taught me to be thankful.

I’m thankful for the new friends I’ve gained this year or reconnected with, even if it was due to a horrible tragedy, and for the older friends who have always been a listening ear for me. I’m thankful for all of the ones who reached out to me or showed up for me after losing my grandpa and my lifelong friend, or for any other reason it may have been. I’m thankful for the friends who still stick around even after my stress and anger take over and I turn into Grumpy Alicia (sorry Tyler & Emily, I know you two get the worst of it).

I’m thankful for my family, especially my parents, and my soon-to-be in-laws. Without them, I would have no idea how we would survive sometimes. When I say I have the best parents out there, I truly mean it. From attending all of my softball games EVERY weekend when I was a kid (also now that I’m an adult and value my weekends, I appreciate it even more that you were there... plus the multiple practices after work), to helping Tyler & me prepare for our wedding, and everything else in between. You guys are my rock. To Tyler’s family, you guys have done so much for us as well. Between the renovations, toilet paper supplies, dinners, offering to help us with something, anything... it’s all appreciated. To my grandparents, I love you all and all that you’ve done for me growing up. & I’m so very thankful for my Mama Becky and Papa Steve because they taught me one of the most important things in life... how to love each other. They were high school sweethearts, and yesterday would have been their 53rd wedding anniversary. I spent so much time with them growing up, and I’m proud to say that their love for one another rubbed off on me. I watched my grandma touch my grandpa’s feet all of the time, and I swore I’d never touch a boy’s foot myself, but I can admit that I have no problem doing so when it comes to Tyler. I can only hope that him and I have as great as a marriage and love as the two of them. I wish nothing more than to have my grandpa at our wedding next year, but I’m thankful to know that he approved of Tyler.

I’m thankful for my sister, who is always down to do absolutely anything and have my back at all costs. From the “don’t tell mom & dad” to now “don’t tell Tyler” shopping sprees, to the “I hate that person too” conversations we have... she’s my best friend. I always used to think she was a demon, and sometimes I still do, but I’m so thankful that we are as close as we are now and that she doesn’t threaten me anymore... that much. Love you Kels!!

I’m thankful for my fiancé, who loves me unconditionally. I am quite possibly one of the messiest people on this planet, very annoying at times, kind of mean, just a tad hard headed and mouthy... yet he still wants to marry me! I’m thankful that I get to go to bed next to him every night (even if he does occasionally elbow me in the face on accident) and how much he supports me. I’m thankful that he cares for my little sister and thinks of her as his own sister now, and I’m thankful that he has a great relationship with my family.

In all honesty, I’m thankful I lost my job at the beginning of COVID. I quickly learned that when one door closes, an even better one opens. I got to be self-employed for a little while (a dream, literally) before I received another job offer that was too good to pass up. I get to work 10 minutes down the street again versus an hour away. I can have chipped nail polish and not get wrote up over it (shoutout to my last company). I’m gaining knowledge in about 5 industries between 10 companies. I have two pretty cool new friends that I share an office with (shoutout to AJ & Jordan), as well as everyone else I’ve quickly become friends with between there and my other job.

I’m thankful to everyone who has supported ThriftyAlicia. Whether you’re sharing posts, purchasing, telling people about it... it all helps and makes a big difference. I’m thankful that I had a platform that allowed me to sell masks back in September so we could raise $5,000 for Kameron’s family. I’m thankful for everyone who purchased and donated. I’m thankful for my mom & sister for helping me and donating their time/material. I’m thankful that I get to kind of follow in my dad & grandpa’s footsteps by doing this.

I’m thankful that I’m healthy, that I have a reliable car, that I have a place to call home, that I have my little fur babies, that we have caring neighbors who look out for us, that I have food, that I have a good support system... all of it. Life is hard, and COVID and the holidays don’t make it any easier. If anyone is struggling, please please reach out to me as I will be a listening ear. You’re not alone.

Last but not least, I’m thankful for anyone who has kept reading this far. Long posts can be kind of annoying, but this is a pretty meaningful post to me. There is so much more that I have to be thankful about, but I felt that this year deserved a good heartfelt post. 

I hope everyone has a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. Whether that’s by yourself or with family... virtually or in-person ❤️

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